Welcome to First Baptist Charlestown 

Worship | Community | Discipleship | Mission 

December 22, 2024

We are so grateful you are joining us for worship today, and our prayer is that you have a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout our service, we have times of prayer, singing, preaching and an opportunity to respond to the gospel message. At FBC, we invite you to be yourself. We are imperfect people that have hope in a perfect God, and we want to shine the spotlight on Him. 

If you are a first time guest we would love to connect with you. Please complete the Connection Card located in the pew. At the end of service, please take it to the kiosk in the Connection Center and we have a gift there for you.  Also, we have free Bibles available in the Connection Center if you need a copy of God’s Word.

Mission/Vision of First Baptist Church:  We exist to see the hope of Jesus Christ transform Charlestown by providing every person with an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus and equipping them to grow up into maturity in Christ.

Remember to pick up some invite cards for your family, neighbors and friends and have them join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service this Tuesday, Dec. 24th! 

NOTE:  The church office will be closed Monday, Dec. 23rd—January 6th.  The answering machine will be checked periodically if you leave a Message and calls will be returned at the earliest opportunity.  Thank you.

Don’t forget your staff this ChristmasPut your gift in the offering plate (envelopes are in the pews), give online, give to a Deacon.  Please designated your gift for “Staff Christmas” .  Thank you for showing your appreciation to your staff this holiday season!

NO PM Activities this Wednesday, Dec. 25th or Jan. 1, 2025 ...We will resume on Jan. 8th 

                                                             MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Lottie Moon Post Office is  available through the month of December/January (in Connection Center) for you to bring in cards that you want to give to active attenders (See Lesley Tyler with any questions). The money you save on postage please designate to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal!          

                                 FBC Goal: $4,000.00        Given to date:  $1,777.31

Night of Worship and Prayer January 5, 2025 6:30 PM,,,Make plans to join us for the New Year!!

Budget Giving for 12/15/2024:

Weekly giving needed to meet our budget needs:  $7,757.00

Undesignated receipts received for budget needs: $3,855.25 (Designated giving is available on monthly budget reports or call Sandy for any specific information).  Thank you.

 Worship Attendance 12/15/24: 91

Serving Today 12/22:

Counters: Laura Waters, Gale Rutherford

Door Lock: Tara Koressel

Prayer Chapel:

Tag Team:  Allison Allen

Babies:  Laura Waters, Susan Newton

Toddlers: Joe & Tara Koressel

Kid’s Connection: Cassie Frost, Jan Jones, Adriana Claudin

Next Week, Sunday, December 29th will be FAMILY WORSHIP SUNDAY! All kids will stay with their parents!

December Birthdays                              January Birthdays

24 Betty Crace                                         3  Linda Allen

27 Kathy Hoagland                                     Gail Hallett

30  Maria Duarte                                    4  Arwen Loveland

                                                                    Stephanie Brown

                                                               5  Carlitta Lyle



Deacon of the Month:  Scott (Jill) Fellows  (502) 432-0922