Welcome to First Baptist Charlestown 

Worship | Community | Discipleship | Mission 

July 28, 2024

We are so grateful you are joining us for worship today, and our prayer is that you have a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout our service, we have times of prayer, singing, preaching and an opportunity to respond to the gospel message. At FBC, we invite you to be yourself. We are imperfect people that have hope in a perfect God, and we want to shine the spotlight on Him. 

If you are a first time guest we would love to connect with you. Please complete the Connection Card located in the pew. At the end of service, please take it to the kiosk in the Connection Center and we have a gift there for you.  Also, we have free Bibles available in the Connection Center if you need a copy of God’s Word.

Mission/Vision of First Baptist Church:  We exist to see the hope of Jesus Christ transform Charlestown by providing every person with an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus and equipping them to grow up into maturity in Christ.

Christian Sympathy is extended to Jimmy & Catherine Walls.  Catherine’s father, Hubert Meadows (also grandfather of Nathan Walls)  passed away on July 28th in Abilene, TX.  Please keep the Walls Family in your prayers.

2024 PRAYER RETREAT:  Prayer plays a vital role in our being set apart for Christ in this world.  We at FBCtown desire to be a faithful and praying church full of faithfully praying individuals.  Please commit to join us for our 2024 Prayer Retreat, on August 10th, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., at the Southeastern Indiana Baptist Association building in New Albany.  This will be a special time of prayer led by Pastor Coye Still, Senior Pastor of Walnut Street Baptist Church, and worship led by Rob Killebrew, former Worship Pastor at Refuge Church.  Light snacks, drinks, and a taco bar lunch catered by Qdoba will be provided.  (Note: Childcare will not be provided.)  The cost for this retreat is $25 per person. (Please do not let the cost be a hinderance to your participation.  See a pastor or deacon, asap, if financial assistance is needed.)  You may submit your payment via the FBC App (select Prayer Retreat), or by giving it to Sandy in the church office. If paying by check, please include “prayer retreat” in the memo line.  A completed registration form is required; the deadline to register is August 3rd.  Scan the QR Code or complete the form (included in the bulletin or at the kiosk in the Connection Center) to register.  See Allie Parrish or Jill Fellows with questions. 

The Colorado Mission Trip will be the week of Oct. 7th!  We need to know if you are going by mid-August!  This Mission Trip is for the whole family to attend! 

 Activities for this Wednesday, July 31th:  Mission Kids, Mission Friends, Youth Group,  (Serving in the nursery: Laura Waters, Hannah Loveland)

FBC BACK TO SCHOOL BASH:  Sunday Night, August 4 from 6-8 PM at the Charlestown Activities Park:  FREE ADMISSION: roller skating, mini-golf, spalsh pad, free waters, sandwiches, chips and desserts! Hope to see EVERYONE there!!!  (There is a Sign Up Sheet in the Connection Center For you to check Which desserts or sides You will bring)!

 New Member Class:  FBC will be having a 4 week New Member Class beginning Sunday, August 4th at 9:30 am. If you are  interested in learning more about this class email the office at:  office@fbctown.com.  Thank You!

2024-2025 Committee’s Meeting:  Wednesday, August 7 @ 6:30 PM,  Fellowship Hall The committee’s will meet all together for a time of prayer and to talk about each of the committees and expectations.  Then go off into their own committee groups and select a chairperson of their committee.  

Mission Kids & Mission Friends invites the FBC family to participate in Operation Christmas Child! From now to early November we will be collection certain items!  (NOTE:  NO school supplies needed!)  Watch the bulletin for more info next week.   See Linda Jones with any questions!!

Mark Your Calendar!  Women’s Fall Retreat Saturday, September 14th from  9:00 am - 3:00 pm Speaker: Allison Kinion More details to come!

Budget Giving for 07/14/2024:

Weekly giving needed to meet our budget needs:          $7,757.00

Undesignated receipts received toward budget needs: $5,255.00

(Designated giving is available on monthly budget reports or call Sandy for any specific information).  Thank you.

 Worship Attendance 07/21/24: 114

Serving Today 07/28:

Counters: Mary Rone, Barb Spaulding

Door Lock: Jeff Radcliff

Prayer Chapel: Dale Hoover

Tag Team: Allison Allen

Babies:  Nathaniel & Kaitlyn Hillmer

Toddlers: Joe & Tara Koressel

Kid’s Connection: Kyle & Danielle Mullins

July Birthdays:                                   August Birthdays:

31 Willa Strickler                                2  Mariana Diaz

                                                             5  Kyleigh Wiggins

(Please contact the office at 256-3421 or office@fbctown.com if your birthday or you know of someone’s in the FBC family that’s been left off the monthly lists! Thanks!)

Deacon of the Month

David (Melinda) Dieterlen  (812) 558-4513