Welcome to First Baptist Charlestown 

Worship | Community | Discipleship | Mission 

September 8, 2024

We are so grateful you are joining us for worship today, and our prayer is that you have a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout our service, we have times of prayer, singing, preaching and an opportunity to respond to the gospel message. At FBC, we invite you to be yourself. We are imperfect people that have hope in a perfect God, and we want to shine the spotlight on Him. 

If you are a first time guest we would love to connect with you. Please complete the Connection Card located in the pew. At the end of service, please take it to the kiosk in the Connection Center and we have a gift there for you.  Also, we have free Bibles available in the Connection Center if you need a copy of God’s Word.

Mission/Vision of First Baptist Church:  We exist to see the hope of Jesus Christ transform Charlestown by providing every person with an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus and equipping them to grow up into maturity in Christ.

Pittsburgh, PA: FBC-town Fall Break Family Mission Trip
Dates: Leaving Wed, Oct 9 at 8 AM & returning Sun, Oct 13 around 8 PM
Ministry Focus: The FBC Mission Team will be working primarily with a Send Network Church
Plant, “the Church at Mon River.” The Lead Pastor Joshua Page and his wife, Angela are NAMB Missionaries that were sent out from Oak Park Baptist in Jeffersonville, which is a church in our Southeastern Indiana Baptist Association. The mission team will get firsthand experience of what it’s like to be part of a church plant
attempting to reach a city for Jesus. The mission team will be helping with community outreach and evangelism through practical ministry such as water bottle giveaways, neighborhood cleanups, snow cone giveaways and helping to put on a trunk or treat in their community.  
(Meeting needs & Sharing Jesus). We will be helping with the Sunday morning service, which may include setup & tear down, greeting, slides, children's ministry volunteers, leading worship, preaching, etc. We’ll also be working with another church plant to help renovate their building and do whatever else is needed. 
Lodging: Either local Baptist mission house (depending on renovations) or an AirBNB.
Cost: $300-$350 per person (Depending on group size). May want to bring extra money for half
a day exploring Pittsburgh with missionaries.
Sign Up: Last day to sign up & pay $100 Non-Refundable Deposit is , September 22nd . (There is a
max of 15 people that can go on the trip so sign up ASAP.) Sign up by calling Sandy at the
church office 812-256-3421 or emailing Shea at Shea@fbctown.com. 

Activities for this Wednesday, Sept. 11       

6:30 PM :  Mission Kids, Mission Friends, Youth Group,  Adult Bible Study       (Serving in the nursery this week is Lesley Tyler & Barb Spaulding).  If you are willing to serve with the littles on a Wednesday from 6:15—7:30 PM, please let the office know by emailing: office@fbctown.com. 

 Mission Kids & Mission Friends invites the FBC family to participate in Operation Christmas Child! FBC Goal is 40 Boxes, so 40 of each item that is listed in the bulletin weekly is needed! This week we are asking for donations of dental floss, chap-sticks, nail clippers.  (If you wish to designate money to help with postage, you may use our online giving app, select OCC Postage, or put your gift in the offering plate). 

Download the church app to stay up-to-date with activities and/or use for tithing.

2024 Women’s Fall Retreat:  “Love & Serve in God’s Strength”

Sat. Sept. 14th  9 am to 3 pm      Speaker: Allison Kinion

Cost: $10  Please RSVP with the church office or Allison by Wed. 9/11

Budget Giving for 09/01/2024:

Weekly giving needed to meet our budget needs:  $7,757.00

Undesignated receipts received for budget needs: $7,217.52  

 (Designated giving is available on monthly budget reports or call Sandy for any specific information).  Thank you.

Worship Attendance 09/01/24: 94

Serving Today 09/08:

Counters: Laura Waters, Gale Rutherford

Door Lock: Becca McMillin

Prayer Chapel: Barbara Spaulding

Tag Team: Sam Speth

Babies:  Rex & Val Masingo

Toddlers: Sam & Levi Speth

Kid’s Connection:  Cassie Frost, Jan Jones, Evan Orr

September Birthdays:

11 Jasmine Hoover

       Isaac McCray

12 Dale Hoover

15  Erick Bladerrama 

(Please contact the office at 256-3421 or office@fbctown.com if your birthday or you know of someone’s in the FBC family that’s been left off the monthly lists! Thanks!)

Deacon of the Month

Greg (Mary) Rone    

(812) 946-6211